Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Eve/Bubble Guppies ...

We managed to make it through Day 2 relatively unscathed. We had a play date scheduled which was perfect because my children are usually angels in front of other people. The only mishaps during the play date consisted of R fighting with her friend over a green balloon (never mind the 20 other colored balloons from which to choose), P refusing to listen to me while leaving our friend's house and running around the yard like a looney bird, and a play make-up incident. Let's just say that I was proud of how R played nicely with her friend's little sister, but we left their house like this:

After wipes and a bath, I still can't make it go away.

This morning, we are watching a Nickelodeon Fall Cartoons DVD (because I have to bake pies all day so the TV will help me keep the children alive). Can we please take a minute to talk about Bubble Guppies? Who created this show? It makes no sense. Let's start with the theme song:

This is the stuff that every musician/mother's nightmares are made of. THERE ARE NO WORDS, JUST REPETITIVE SYLLABLES. I think you have to be on something to enjoy this song -- maybe the same thing that the producers were on while creating this eyesore for the ears.

Once you get past the theme song, you are taken into a world of the Bubble Guppies, who live under water. In this episode, they are singing about trees with falling leaves. Under water. And even though the Bubble Guppies have mermaid fins, they sing about their feet touching the ground. (Please enjoy this bootleg YouTube video of the "Falling Leaves" song).

How does this make any sense? Icing on the cake? They have a dog that lives under water with them. Don't worry, it can still "make sense" because he has a mermaid fin for a tail:

I need more coffee. 

Also, P informed me that while I was upstairs getting dressed at 7:00am this morning, that he and his sister were downstairs in the kitchen raiding the m&m bowl.


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